New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio

Unveiling the Mystical Energy of the New Moon in Scorpio: A Soul-Stirring Journey

Shadow Work  
November 13th 2023
Release, Surrender, and Transform

All New Moons begin a new cycle. It is a starting point for manifesting a fresh new beginning.

Welcome, fellow seekers of cosmic wisdom, to a celestial moment that holds the power to transform our lives — the New Moon in Scorpio. As the enigmatic Scorpion graces the skies, it brings forth a potent wave of energy, inviting us to delve deep into our souls, embrace transformation, and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. In this blog post, we shall explore the captivating energetic qualities of this celestial phenomenon, discover the crystals that resonate harmoniously with this energy, and craft a sacred New Moon ceremony to harness its transformative potential.

Understanding the Energetic Tapestry of the New Moon in Scorpio:
When the Moon aligns with the intense and mysterious zodiac sign of Scorpio, it sets the stage for an enchanting dance between darkness and light. This lunar phase encourages us to explore the depths of our emotions, unmask hidden truths, and release that which no longer serves our highest good. Scorpio's energy empowers us to embrace vulnerability, face our fears, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-empowerment and rebirth.

Scorpio alchemy is to transmute, and this specific New Moon is connected to our personal transformations. Shadow work helps to inspire transformations. This deeply personal New Moon which invites us to embrace our shadows and deepest truths, aligning us with the ability to make positive revisions and changes to ourselves that aligns with our spirit.

Crystals to Enhance the New Moon Experience:

Crystals are powerful allies in our spiritual journey, and during the New Moon in Scorpio, certain gemstones resonate harmoniously with the energy at play. Here are three crystals that can amplify your intentions and support your transformative process:

  1. Black Obsidian is a powerful crystal that is associated with protection, grounding, and transformation. It can be a beneficial stone to use during the New Moon in Scorpio for several reasons:


  1. Transformation and releasing negativity: The New Moon in Scorpio is a time of deep transformation and letting go of what no longer serves you. Black Obsidian has a strong energy that can help you confront and release negative patterns, emotions, and attachments. It supports the process of shedding old layers and embracing personal growth.


  1. Psychic protection: Scorpio energy can be intense and emotionally charged, making energetic protection important. Black Obsidian is known for its strong protective properties. It forms a shield around you, guarding against negative energies, psychic attacks, and unwanted influences. It helps you create a safe and energetically clear space for introspection and inner work.


  1. Grounding and stability: Scorpio energy can be highly emotional and intense. Black Obsidian has a grounding effect that helps anchor you to the present moment and grounds excessive emotions. It provides stability and helps you remain centered during times of change and transformation. This grounding quality can support you in navigating the depths of your emotions with more balance and stability.


  1. Shadow work and self-reflection: The New Moon in Scorpio is an ideal time for shadow work and deep self-reflection. Black Obsidian assists in bringing subconscious patterns and hidden aspects of yourself to the surface. It encourages self-honesty, introspection, and a willingness to confront your shadow side. It helps you delve into the depths of your being, facilitating self-awareness and personal transformation.


  1. Spiritual insight and intuition: Scorpio energy is deeply intuitive and perceptive. Black Obsidian enhances psychic abilities and intuitive insights. It can help you tap into your inner wisdom, receive spiritual guidance, and gain clarity about your path and intentions during the New Moon. It supports deepening your intuition and enhancing your connection to the unseen realms.

To incorporate Black Obsidian during the New Moon in Scorpio, you can hold it during meditation, place it on your altar or sacred space, or carry it with you as a protective talisman. Allow the crystal to support your transformation, provide grounding during emotional intensity, and assist in shadow work and self-reflection. Remember to cleanse and recharge your Black Obsidian regularly to maintain its energetic potency.

  1. Labradorite is a fascinating and mystical crystal known for its iridescent play of colors and its connection to intuition, spiritual awakening, and transformation. It can be a beneficial stone to use during the New Moon in Scorpio for several reasons:
  1. Transformation and rebirth: The New Moon in Scorpio is a time of deep transformation and rebirth. Labradorite resonates with this energy, as it is believed to facilitate transitions and support personal growth. It can help you embrace change, release old patterns, and step into a new chapter of your life.
  1. Intuition and psychic abilities: Scorpio energy is intuitive and perceptive, and Labradorite is renowned for enhancing intuitive abilities and psychic gifts. During the New Moon, when the subtle energies are heightened, Labradorite can assist in deepening your intuition, expanding your spiritual perception, and connecting with your inner wisdom.
  1. Protection and energetic shielding: Scorpio energy can be intense and emotionally charged, making energetic protection important. Labradorite is known for its protective properties, creating a shield against negative energies and unwanted influences. It can help you maintain your energetic boundaries and navigate the depths of emotions with greater resilience.
  1. Inner exploration and self-discovery: The New Moon in Scorpio invites introspection and diving into the depths of your psyche. Labradorite encourages self-discovery, assisting you in exploring your inner world and uncovering hidden truths about yourself. It can reveal new insights and perspectives, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your desires, fears, and aspirations.
  1. Connection to higher realms: Scorpio energy is deeply spiritual, and Labradorite can facilitate a connection to higher realms and spiritual dimensions. It can help you access guidance, wisdom, and spiritual downloads during meditation or intuitive practices. Labradorite's iridescent flashes can be a visual representation of the unseen realms, enhancing your connection to the divine.

To incorporate Labradorite during the New Moon in Scorpio, you can hold it during meditation, place it on your altar or sacred space, or wear it as jewelry to keep its energy close to you. Allow the crystal to support your transformative journey, enhance your intuition, and guide you towards deeper self-discovery and spiritual connection. Remember to cleanse and recharge your Labradorite regularly to maintain its energetic potency.

  1. Amethyst-  A crystal known for its deep purple color and its association with spiritual growth, intuition, and protection. It possesses qualities that make it a good stone to use during the Scorpio New Moon for several reasons:
  1. Spiritual growth and transformation: Scorpio energy is deeply connected to transformation and spiritual growth. Amethyst is a crystal that supports these aspects, making it an ideal companion during the Scorpio New Moon. It can aid in releasing old patterns, facilitating inner growth, and promoting spiritual transformation.
  1. Intuition and psychic abilities: Scorpio is an intuitive and perceptive sign, and Amethyst is renowned for enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. During the New Moon, when the energy is introspective and subtle, Amethyst can help deepen your intuitive connection, allowing you to tap into hidden insights and guidance.
  1. Protection and purification: Scorpio energy can be intense and emotionally charged. Amethyst has a protective quality that can shield you from negative energies and promote a sense of calm and balance. It can also assist in purifying your mind, body, and spirit, clearing away any stagnant or negative energies that may hinder your progress.
  1. Meditation and spiritual practices: The New Moon is a potent time for introspection, meditation, and setting intentions. Amethyst is a crystal that supports these practices by promoting a calm and focused mind, deepening your meditation experiences, and enhancing your connection to the spiritual realm.
  1. Emotional healing and stress relief: Scorpio energy can bring emotions to the surface, and Amethyst can aid in emotional healing and stress relief. It can assist in soothing anxiety, promoting emotional balance, and encouraging self-reflection, which aligns well with the introspective nature of the New Moon in Scorpio.

To incorporate Amethyst during the Scorpio New Moon, you can hold it during meditation, place it on your altar or sacred space, or wear it as jewelry to keep its energy close to you. Allow the crystal to guide and support your intentions, intuition, and spiritual growth during this transformative lunar phase. Remember to cleanse and recharge your Amethyst regularly to maintain its energetic potency.

  1. Peach Moonstone is a variant of the Moonstone crystal that exhibits a soft, peachy hue. It is associated with feminine energy, intuition, and emotional healing. When it comes to using Peach Moonstone during the New Moon in Scorpio, a water sign known for its intensity and transformative energy, there are several reasons why it can be a beneficial stone to work with:
  1. Emotional healing and transformation: Scorpio is a sign associated with deep emotions, transformation, and rebirth. Peach Moonstone resonates with the emotional aspects of the Moon, making it an excellent stone for emotional healing and facilitating personal transformation during the New Moon in Scorpio. It can help you delve into your emotions, release emotional blockages, and support inner growth and renewal.
  1. Intuition and psychic abilities: Moonstone, including Peach Moonstone, is known for enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. During the New Moon, when the lunar energy is at its lowest point, Peach Moonstone can help you tap into your inner wisdom, enhance your intuition, and gain insights into hidden aspects of yourself or situations. It supports the introspective and intuitive nature of the Scorpio energy.
  1. Balancing emotions and enhancing self-love: Scorpio energy can be intense and passionate, sometimes leading to emotional extremes. Peach Moonstone has a gentle and nurturing energy that helps balance emotions and promote a sense of calm and serenity. It can assist in soothing emotional turmoil, fostering self-love, and encouraging a compassionate approach to oneself and others.
  1. Setting intentions for transformation: The New Moon is a potent time for setting intentions and planting seeds for new beginnings. With its connection to the Moon and its transformative qualities, Peach Moonstone can enhance the power of your intentions during the New Moon in Scorpio. It can help you align your intentions with your emotional needs, supporting you in manifesting positive changes and growth in your life.

To use Peach Moonstone during the New Moon in Scorpio, you can place it on your altar, hold it during your intention-setting rituals or meditations, or wear it as jewelry to keep its energy close to you. It's beneficial to cleanse and charge your Peach Moonstone regularly to maintain its energetic potency. Trust your intuition when working with this crystal and find the ways that resonate with you personally.

  1. Selenite is often associated with the moon due to its pearly white color and its connection to the Greek moon goddess Selene. It is believed to have a calming and soothing energy that can help enhance spiritual practices, making it a popular crystal to use during the New Moon.

During the New Moon phase, the moon is not visible in the sky, symbolizing a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions. Selenite is considered a purifying crystal that can cleanse and clear stagnant energy, making it an excellent tool for setting intentions and manifesting during this phase.


Here are a few reasons why selenite is a good crystal to use during the New Moon:

  1. Clearing and cleansing: Selenite has the ability to clear and cleanse the energy of both crystals and spaces. By using selenite during the New Moon, you can purify your intentions and create a clean energetic slate for new beginnings.
  1. Amplifying intentions: Selenite is known to amplify the energy of other crystals and intentions. By placing your other crystals or written intentions on a selenite charging plate or using selenite wands to surround them, you can enhance the energy and power of your New Moon intentions.
  1. Enhancing intuition and spiritual connection: Selenite is associated with enhancing intuition and promoting a deeper connection to higher realms. During the New Moon, when the veil between worlds is believed to be thinner, selenite can help you tune into your intuition, receive guidance, and connect with your higher self.
  1. Calming and soothing energy: The gentle energy of selenite can help create a calm and peaceful atmosphere during New Moon rituals or meditations. It can assist in quieting the mind, promoting relaxation, and allowing you to be more present in the moment.

To use Selenite during the New Moon, you can hold it in your hand while setting your intentions, place it on your altar or meditation space, or use it as a tool to cleanse and charge other crystals. Remember to cleanse and recharge your selenite regularly to keep its energy clear and potent.

Mantra- As I reflect and develop new awarenesses about myself, I let the old die away so that I may transform and begin a new chapter in my life filled with healthy intimate relationships with myself and others

Are you ready to fully engage and ride the waves of your life?

Scorpio Season encourages us to take a deep dive into our hearts. ( grab you rose Quartz for some extra support! ) You can choose to ride the stormy waves of life and gain new skills or you can paddle back to shore.

The Scorpio Archetypes are the Phoenix Rising from the ashes, this represents working with our shadows and burning away everything holding you back to shine brightly. ( labradorite will help to bring light and reflection to your shadows. ) The 2nd archetype is the Scorpion who is vengeful, possessive, and obsessive. Be mindful of the energies you want to cultivate during this New Moon.

Something must die before new can arise

🔮Oracle Messages for this New Moon in Scorpio Energy

Which Scorpio energy do you intend to channel for this New Moon in Scorpio? You are in control of how you harness this energy. Scorpio is an emotionally intense and sensitive water sign that loves to dive deep.

This new Moon in Scorpio is your opportunity to create a new emotional beginning for you to react before thinking. ( Peach Moonstone will assist you with creating new beginnings. ) Although this can be a volatile time tempting to react instead of respond, this can be a positive energy if you can remind yourself to take a deep breath and sit with situations before reacting.

Click here to watch the video I created about the New Moon in Scorpio

Some key words and themes happening during this New Moon in Scorpio:





Death ​

How to Harness the New Moon in Scorpio Energies...
Meditate and sleep with Labradorite to receive insights and messages from spirit. Also journaling right after mediation and right when you wake up. Sometimes the messages won’t make sense right away and it is nice to have a record of any new insights you receive to go back and revisit. Also, we tend to forget our dreams and inspirational messages so it’s great to write them down right away.
Create a vision board whether digitally or the old fashioned way. The New Moon is the perfect time to create a vision board and really tap into your manifesting powers! I love the manifesting and new beginnings properties that Peach Moonstone holds.

​Journal Prompts for the New Moon in Scorpio...


(I suggest first meditating to open you to deeper awareness before journaling.

*Journaling tip…. Have all three crystals on or nearby, their energies will assist while journaling.)

What triggers you? There are insights and lessons about yourself in these triggers.

How can you best handle frustrations and triggers? If you have a plan it will help you to break patterns and not have knee jerk reactions.

What new beginning do you feel passionate about creating for your life? Make a step by step plan, this will help make your goal feel more attainable and give you some daily action steps to take.

Crafting a Sacred New Moon Ceremony:

Step 1: Preparation and Intentions

Create a sacred space that resonates with your soul. Clear the energy by smudging with sage or lighting incense. Reflect on your intentions for this New Moon phase. What areas of your life do you wish to transform? Write them down, infusing them with heartfelt intention.

Step 2: Crystal Meditation

Hold the crystals mentioned above or any others that resonate with you. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Visualize the Scorpio energy enveloping you, empowering you to embrace transformation and release what no longer serves you. Allow the crystals to amplify this energy within you.

Step 3: Release and Let Go

Write a letter or create a list of what you wish to release and let go of. Be honest and vulnerable, acknowledging any fears, doubts, or self-limiting beliefs. When you're ready, burn the letter or tear it into small pieces, symbolically releasing these energies into the transformative embrace of the New Moon.

Step 4: Setting New Intentions

With a cleansed and renewed spirit, it's time to set new intentions for the coming lunar cycle. Write down your desires, dreams, and aspirations. Be specific and authentic, allowing yourself to dream big and embrace the transformative energy of Scorpio. Visualize these intentions manifesting in your life with clarity and conviction.

Step 5: Ritual of Renewal

Create a ritual of renewal to seal your intentions. This can involve lighting candles, taking a purifying bath, or engaging in a grounding meditation. As you perform this ritual, visualize yourself stepping into a new version of yourself, empowered by the transformative energy of the New Moon in Scorpio.

Step 6: Gratitude and Reflection

Express gratitude for the transformative journey you've embarked upon and the lessons learned along the way. Take a moment to reflect on the insights gained during the ceremony and set an intention to carry them forward into your daily life.


The New Moon in Scorpio invites us to dive deep into the murky waters of our souls, embracing transformation, and releasing that which no longer serves us. By aligning with the energy of this celestial phenomenon and harnessing the power of crystals, we can embark on a soul-stirring journey of self-discovery and rebirth. May this New Moon be a catalyst for profound transformation, empowering you to embrace your authentic self and manifest your deepest desires.

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